How to configure AVT Manta/Prosilca GigE highspeed cameras
Swing catalyst support AVT high-speed GigE machine vision cameras. These cameras connect to the computer through a gigabit network interface/cable and allow live streaming/capture of video.
Common for these cameras is good image quality and a high degree of control over several key image parameters.
Hardware Installation
For details on how to connect the cameras, hardware requirements and installation please see the following support article:
How to connect GigE cameras to the computer
The most important steps are:
- Install the drivers (available from
- Configure the network card to enable jumbo frames
- Disable all network modules except the AVT filter and IPV4
Camera configuration
After having installed and configured the cameras they will be available in the Swing Catalyst software.
To access the available cameras go to Main Menu - Settings - Cameras.
After having chosen a camera angle and having enabled the camera you may configure the camera parameters by using the "Advanced Camera Settings" dialog (accessible through the Advanced button):
Setting the correct camera parameters is very important to ensure good image quality, but the usable camera parameters depend a lot on the amount of lighting available.
Exposure Time
If the lighting conditions change a lot it is recommended to set the Exposure mode to Auto and use the "auto parameters" minimum/maximum exposure time to set the range of acceptable exposure values.
If the lighting does not change use Manual mode.
Ideally the exposure time should be a low as possible to eliminate motion blurring of the club shaft, but a lower exposure will also result in a darker image.
Recommended values for exposure time is 500 microseconds (µs) to 2000 microseconds (µs), this the same as 1/2000th and 1/500th shutter.
Higher gain values will "boost" the image brightness, but will also cause more noise in the image. If the image is too noisy try lowering the gain value, if it is too dark try increasing it.