What are Force Graph phases
This article covers the new functionality present in 10.2.
- Applicable software variants: Motion Catalyst & Swing Catalyst.
- Versions: 10.2
- Required for capture: Force plate(s) / Motion Plate / Dual Motion Plate.
- Required for playback: A recording with force data.
Which version of the software am I using?
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What are phases?
All exercises or sports have several phases or transitions of movement.
Some activities have more phases than others, and some terminology is specific to the sport or exercise.
These phases are essential components of any performed exercise or sport, and play a significant role in determining the efficiency, or identifying poor technique. The timing of each phase is important, for example in activities like squat jumps or counter movement jumps, the focus is on explosive lower body power and vertical jumping ability.
We show each phase with a white vertical line through the graphs to identify where in time each phase is.
Highlighted phases
Each phase has a different highlight accent to easily allow you to distinguish between them.
The phases are available for the "Force" axis, and "Center Of Pressure" axis databoxes. If the bookmarks are changed the location of these phases will change.
Example of a counter movement jump:
It's possible to turn off phase highlighting by clicking the gear icon next to the databox and unchecking the "Highlight phases" option.
Example of highlight phases turned off: